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Happy and happy, many financial resources are not too much! !
Happy and happy, many financial resources are not too much! !
Click:1391    Release time: 2019/2/19
Yuan Zhen, originally meant to be "the evening of the Shangyuan Festival", because the main activity of the "Upper Yuan Festival" on the 15th of the first month was to eat the moon in the evening to enjoy the moon. Later, the name of the festival evolved into the "Yuan Lan Festival." On the night of Lantern Festival, the streets and alleys are lit up, people enjoy the lights, guess the riddles, eat the Lantern Festival, and the celebrations that continue from New Year's Eve will be pushed to another climax, becoming the custom of generations. At the time of the formation of the early festivals, Yuan Zhen only called the 15th of the first month, the first half of the month or the moon, and later called the Yuan Xi or Yuan Ye. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, he was influenced by Taoism, also known as Shang Yuan. But since the Song Dynasty, it is also called the light eve. In the Qing Dynasty, it was also called the Festival of Lights. In foreign countries, Lantern Festival is also known as The Lantern Festival.
Guangdong Bright Moon Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. wishes you and your family Yuanxiao happy! get together! Happy family!

The folks have eaten the custom of the Lantern Festival. In the south, Yuanxiao is called "Tangyuan", "Yuanzi", "Floating Round", "Water Round", made of glutinous rice, or solid, or stuffed. Stuffed with bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, etc., boiled, fried, steamed, fried. At first, people called this food "Float", and later called "Tang Tuan" or "Tang Yuan". These names are similar to the word "reunion". The meaning of reunion symbolizes the whole family's reunion and harmony. People I also missed my loved ones and set my hopes for future life. Eating Yuanxiao symbolizes the family's reunion like a full moon, and pinned people's good wishes for future life.
The custom of eating Lantern Festival originates from when and where, and folk opinions are different. One said that at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu Zhao Wang went through the Yangtze River on the way back t
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